Zoozoo.in Marketplace:
Zoozoo.in acts as a marketplace platform, connecting you with various sellers and their products. We strive to provide accurate information about the products listed on our website. However, product descriptions, features, and benefits are based on information provided by the manufacturers or suppliers.
Zoozoo.in does not:
- Independently test or verify product claims made by the manufacturers.
- Guarantee specific results or outcomes from using a particular product.
- Assume responsibility for any inaccuracies or misleading information in product descriptions.
Warranty and Customer Service:
For any inquiries regarding product warranties, guarantees, after-sales service, or usage concerns, please contact the product's manufacturer directly. Their contact information may be available on the product packaging or warranty card.
It is important to note that:
- Individual results may vary when using any product.
- We recommend you consult with a qualified professional before using any product, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
Thank you for shopping at Zoozoo.in!